Fish ponds are ready

The new fish ponds in Hope Center are ready and now they can sell fish all over the year. We were very astonished, when we saw our name on it.

It is good to see that they are expiring sustainable projects and we invested our money well.

New fish ponds for Hope Center

This year we asked our schools to apply for donations with sustainable projects. Sister Victoria asked for additional new fish ponds, that enables her to sell fish all over the year.

At our last visit we could see the progress of the building works.

She buys baby fish and breads it until they are big enough to sell. When the building works are finished she is going to have 3 ponds: one for baby fish, one for middle size fish and 1 for big fish.

They sell the fish after smoking it in this special oven:

They built new hen houses as well and are happy to sell the eggs.




New Selling Hits in Hope Center

Christmas Holidays are over and all Ladies are back.

We were looking forward today to our visit in Hope Center and were surprised about so many new things to sell in a newly built shop.

They now sell coconut oil, dresses made of their nice batik fabrics, handbags with shoes fitting to it, aprons, eggs……

It is every time so interesting to see what new ideas Sister Victoria has.

Sister Brenda left in January and Sister Victoria took over. Again we were overwhelmed from the kindness and the warmth the teachers take care of the children.

When we came they were playing soccer all together.

and later we saw them baking cookies.

In the shop we found at the end this wonderful postcards.





Fish pond at Hope Center is ready!

We reported last time, that Sister Victoria is planing to build a pond for breading fish. Now it is ready and filled with plenty swimming animals.

This time we also took a look at the snails, that they are breading as well.

The teenagers were grating coconuts. Another great new idea how to take in cash.


Farming at Hope Center

Last week we went again to Hope Center to meet Sister Victoria there and talk about the preparations for the Christmas Bazaar.

We met Sister Brenda (the Irish director) as well and they showed us their latest project: Farming.

In a small greenhouse they grow fruits, vegetables and herbs.

In the garden we find  orange and lemon trees.

They have big, fat chicken.

They are selling all these products to markets and hotels nearby. And I forgot, they have snails as well.

The next project will be small fish pool.

And last but not least Sister Victoria with her pupils on their way to batic dyeing.





New Candles

Today we were at the Hope Center in Kubwa to talk with them about the preparations for the Christmas Bazaar. For the first time the sisters will get their own booth; up to now they always were together with the Berger Ladies.

Unfortunately Sister Victoria was not around. She is in charge of the Christmas Bazaar and responsible for the products they are selling. We will come back next week.

We had the possibility to visit the workshops and saw that they have new designs for candles.

After breakfast the grown up children went back to their work.  They did batik dyeing today.

Amazing, or!?